Belated Thank-You Notes: The No-Shame Guide
If revenge is best served cold, does it stand to reason that a thank-you should be plated piping hot? Not necessarily.
Here we are, almost three months into 2011. Practically one quarter of the year has passed, and it seems like only yesterday you were jamming to holiday hits, wondering just what figgy pudding really was.
But by now, you’ve probably discarded the tree and paper snowflakes. And if you’ve forgotten to send your holiday thank-you notes, well, you’ve literally dis-carded more than that! Your friends and loved ones have (regrettably) been gypped of your proper gratitude.
If the guilt is finally starting to creep in, don’t fret. We might be glorifying procrastination here, but Elfster believes that a late thank-you note actually presents a golden opportunity for extending holiday cheer, and pleasant surprises are simply never a bad thing!
Are we making you feel any better? Now that you’ve found the necessary motivation to write a belated holiday thank-you note, here are a few strategies to give it character and tact:
“Let’s not tell Santa about this, shall we?”
Reference to a higher authority will help the recipient to remember that no one is perfect. Try to mention the special “powers that be” in your life to customize the message. [read more]