
Cocktail Lover’s Gift Guide – Nonalcoholic Gift Ideas
Do you have a friend who’s a cocktail enthusiast but not much of a drinker? Or maybe you’re planning a party and want to ensure everyone feels included with some fancy nonalcoholic options? Whatever the [read more]

📸 Party.Post.Win. Giveaway
The elves want to see your Elfster Secret Santa Party on The Gram. Post pics with #Elfster for a chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card. Go on, be a ham! How to enter: [read more]

Make Friendsgiving Extra Special with a Gift Exchange
Friendsgiving has one simple rule: be a good friend! It’s also the perfect holiday to have a “Secret Turkey” gift exchange, where everyone gives and gets a gift of gratitude. Elfster makes it easy: you [read more]

Alpha Kappa Alpha Exchanges Sorority Sister Gifts in Honor of Sorority’s History
Over a century ago, nine college co-eds attending Howard University—a historically black college in the heart of our nation’s capitol—had a common dream to make the world a better place. At the dawn of the [read more]

Fun in Full Bloom: 5 Party Games for Spring
Just as festive memories of holiday parties start to fade, in blow the bright and sunshine-filled days of spring! Time once again to be together, to laugh, to enjoy and appreciate the changing of the [read more]

9 Office-Safe Secret Santa Theme Ideas for Work Parties
When I was fresh out of college, a few years ago (ok, more than a few), I had a job at a consulting company. To make things more fun, they had a party committee. One [read more]

5 Festive Finds for Hosting Your Friendsgiving Feast
Things can get really busy during the holidays. Once December rolls around, you’ve got work parties, family parties, travel, and so much more. It makes it hard to get together. That’s one of the reasons [read more]

After a Month of Self-Sacrifice & Spiritual Growth, a Party is Certainly in Order
Eid al-Fitr falls on May 12 this year and celebrations will continue into the next day. As someone new to these traditions, I was eager to learn more about the festivities surrounding the celebration of [read more]

4 Secret Santa Party Themes to Up the Creativity
Getting into a festive party mood is rarely difficult if you’re a party planner like me. I’m always ready to see family, friends, neighbors, and college pals in person, online, or a combination of both. [read more]

3 Fun Gift Exchange Games for Family Gatherings
My great-grandmother Irene set up games for us to play as a family during every birthday, anniversary, or holiday gift exchange. In the summer and fall, it was croquet in the backyard. The winner received [read more]

5 Children’s Gift Exchange Ideas to Get Everyone Involved
As an adult, you probably look back over your childhood and remember how you received so many gifts. Now, as a parent, you’re likely the one giving them. But, whether you’re on the receiving end [read more]

Secret Santa for Virtual Teams: Tips and Tricks
Before my office transitioned to all of us working remotely, we were planning our annual summer party. Each year, it’s always featured a competitive kickball game and a Secret Santa gift exchange—playing off the “Christmas [read more]

7 Sunshiney Summer Party Game Ideas
As soon as the weather starts to turn warm, even just the first hints of spring, I start to get itchy. I love fall and actually really enjoy our cold Midwest winters, but I still [read more]

3 New Year’s Eve Gift Exchange Games to Start the Year Off Right
Saying the holidays are hectic is like saying water is wet. Everyone knows that. There’s so much hustle and bustle packed into a few short weeks. There are office parties and family parties and visits [read more]

5 Festive Christmas Party Games for Small Groups
Normally, we throw a big Christmas party every year. But the holidays can be hectic, and sometimes we just want something a little more intimate. So last year, we decided to just have a handful [read more]

What are the Best Christmas Party Games for High School Students?
Being a teenager means living in a strange middle ground between childhood and adulthood. That manifests in a lot of ways, but it’s especially acute around Christmas. You’re a little too old for the childhood [read more]

5 Unique Gift Exchange Themes for Adults
One of the great joys in life is having old friends. Knowing people for years—or decades—gives you a perspective on life that gets richer as you age. One of the other great joys of life [read more]

8 Crowd-Pleasing Christmas Games to Play with Large Groups
When we throw parties, I want to make sure that everyone is having a good time at all times. So, I rotate between rooms and ping back-and-forth between groups. It’s pretty hard to keep up [read more]

Dinner Party Christmas Games for a Holly Jolly Good Time
If there’s one thing my wife and I love, it’s hosting a dinner party around Christmas. We enjoy gathering loved ones around us during some of the longest and darkest nights of the year, bringing [read more]

How to Play Secret Santa Year-Round: Gift Swap Ideas for Every Event
Gifts aren’t just for Christmas, so there’s no reason why you can’t have Secret Santa gift exchanges year-round. In my family and in my workplace, we celebrate a lot of milestones every year, from anniversaries [read more]

St. Patricks Day Workplace Ideas for an Office Party
Last year, as I was looking up St. Patrick’s Day workplace ideas, my son suggested “snakes” as a theme. When I asked why, he picked such a weird—and creepy—theme, he said to me “St. Patrick’s [read more]