9 Rad Gifts for Dads and Grads
Hats off to the dads and grads! Whether you’re cheering on your favorite grad or helping Dad keep up with the latest fad, we’ve rounded up a seriously solid assortment of top-notch presents that both [read more]
Hats off to the dads and grads! Whether you’re cheering on your favorite grad or helping Dad keep up with the latest fad, we’ve rounded up a seriously solid assortment of top-notch presents that both [read more]
If you are looking for an Eid gift to give your husband, the number of options may be overwhelming. Luckily, Elfster offers a wide range of options that could be perfect, and we offer numerous [read more]
Have you ever started this conversation with the guy in your life? “What do you want for your birthday?” Of course you have. The answer—for this or any special occasion—is almost inevitably, “I don’t know. [read more]
We believe in order to shop for a guy, you have to think like a guy. This means using your “Left Brain”, ladies… Getting downright analytical! This week, we took it upon ourselves to design a few simple, pseudo-scientific experiments to help Elfettes discover what their husbands and boyfriends really want this holiday season… whether they know it or not! In the immortal words of Queen Victoria… “Men are hard to shop for!”
Okay, okay. There’s really no way to prove that one. But like every other wife or girlfriend in the history of holidays, we’re sure it crossed her mind at one point or another. The Strong-Silent-Type isn’t one to gush over his wish list, and even Mr. Sensitive tends to clam up when pressed for what he really wants. Still, ladies typically approach the task of guy- gifting with an emotional, intuitive philosophy, believing their male counterparts secretly pine away for the neckties of their dreams. [read more]