Sure, summer fun is over, but no need to get down-hearted. September is a month full of possibilities—the start of new school year, the beginning of fall, with our favorite holidays just around the corner, a time when a hint of promise floats in on cool evening breezes. We asked a few experts why they love September and how we can make the most of it. Here’s what they told us:
Set a goal.

Caleb Backe, a health and wellness expert at Maple Holistics says, “For me, September has always signified a time of the beginning of potential. Spring is when we see that potential bloom, but autumn is when potential begins.” Backe suggests September is a great time to set a new goal: “The weather is not too hot nor too cold, you are likely still relaxed from the summer, and it’s months until the new year and even longer until summer. This makes it the perfect time to work on yourself without too much pressure. Try breaking one bad habit and replacing it with a good one. You will feel so good once the holidays roll around.”
Start making personalized gifts.
Whether it’s a painting, scarf, or intricate greeting card, start making gifts in September, Backe says, and you’ll make your life less hectic in December. And it “puts you in the mood for giving all season long, which could strengthen your relationships without you even trying.
Celebrate Rosh Hashanah.

Bracha Goetz, author of 37 children’s books, says Rosh Hashanah is “the perfect time to take stock, reflect on the path one’s life is taking, and celebrate life’s bountiful blessings.” This year, Rosh Hashanah begins sundown September 9 and goes through September 11. Even if your family isn’t Jewish, read up on the history of Rosh Hashanah and consider hosting a dinner where you serve traditional dishes like challah, brisket, potato kugel, and honey cake—and talk to each other about where your life is right now and what you’re grateful for.
Visit an apple orchard.
If you can’t travel during September, go apple picking, suggests mental health expert and author Emily Mendez, MS, EdS: “It provides a great opportunity to help kids discover all of the different ways that apples are used. Let the little ones choose apples. Later, you can use them for fun treats like caramel-covered apples or apple pie.”
Go leaf peeping.

Take a drive or hike through a state park to see a kaleidoscope of beautiful colors, Mendez says, and ask the kids to identify as many leaves as they can.
Take a vacation.

If you aren’t tied to a school calendar, Debra Ruzbasan of Ed-Ventures says September is a lovely time of year to travel to most destinations: “Prices have come down and crowds have thinned out. Museums often have their most popular exhibits on display. Outdoor cafes are still open. And the changing colors are an added layer of attractiveness. It’s my favorite time to travel.”
Dream big.
Transformational coach and consultant Ozioma Egwuonwu reminds us that September 25 is World Dream Day, a day to honor the role dreams play in our lives and to share the dreams we hope will transform our own lives and the world around us. Learn more here.
Try just a few of these great ideas, and we’re sure you’ll love September as much as we do. And if you want to get a jump on the holidays, check out our Secret Santa Generator to set up a fun gift exchange with friends and family from all over the globe. You can also share your ideas with us on Elfster’s Facebook page, our Twitter @Elfster, and our Instagram @Elfster.